Server Orientation

Getting around HOPSIPOP is straightforward, thanks to several helpful tools that make it easy to find your way.

The Scoreboard

On the right side of your screen, you’ll see a scoreboard that provides useful information based on where you are:

In the Hub:

The scoreboard shows the server name, HOPSIPOP, along with your ping and the player count.

In Helix:

The scoreboard gives more detailed stats, such as your in-game cash balance in and other relevant information. This scoreboard updates in real time, keeping you informed about your surroundings.

Use /compass for Easy Navigation

At any time, you can type /compass to easily navigate between the lobbies and the Hub. This is a quick and efficient way to move around the server without getting lost.

/wiki for Extra Information

If you ever feel unsure about what to do next, just type /wiki in the chat. This command will provide useful information about the server’s features, gameplay mechanics, and more.

Still Need Help? Use /discord

If the wiki doesn’t have the answers you need, type /discord to connect with the HOPSIPOP Discord Server. You can open a ticket here, and one of the moderators will assist you with any issues.

With the scoreboard, /compass, and support commands like /wiki and /discord, you’ll always be able to find your way and get the help you need on HOPSIPOP!